Online Platform Q-Up

Group Project

Tools used: Firebase, Express, React, Node.js, Algolia




The pandemic of COVID-19 brought social distancing into our daily lives, and simple tasks like grocery shopping or going to a fitness centre is now more complicated. With the occupancy limit 50 people in any facility, people had to start lining up to comply with the new social distancing regulations.


To create an online platform for customers to virtually queue up for a local business, and store managers to manage the amount of people in their facility.

My Role:

I managed the group of 4 including myself to completing this project in four 1-week sprints, using scrum to fulfill our client's request every sprint. I was a full-stack developer. For the back-end, I was implementing a REST API on Firebase Functions and created data schemas for our NoSQL database Firestore. In the front-end, I implemented a React client that utilizes our REST API to create, read, write, and delete data in our Firestore, and used Material-UI to create a simple user interface.